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Let’s face the madness of nationalism!

Nationalism, at the service of…? The historical disciplines at the forefront of the nationalist ideology. Demystifying the national symbols: what do the Sun of Vergina, Alexander the Great and the Greek feta-cheese have in common? The price that we all pay for the causes of the nationalist ideology. A presentation of the book: “Overcoming the …

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Βοοkpresentation about nationalism in the Balkans in Kerkira

Saturday 18/5, 20:30 At the Occupation Elaia Free Social Space in Kerkira Dairpfleld & Afiown Theodorwn street, Garitsa

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Book presentation – Discussion

THE AJDE PROJECT Overpassing borders and nations: A joint venture against nationalism Saturday 16/2, 19:30 Migrant’s social center Ermou 23, Thessaloniki

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February in the Selforganized Social Center in Ioannina

Friday 8/2, 20:00 Book presentation “Overpassing borders and nations: a joint effort against nationalism” by the group The Ajde Project – The event will take place in Antiviosi squat as an act of solidarity to the occupations.

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January in the upper city

We continue to fight for the end of this world of dominance and exploitation. Friday 21/1, Book presentation “Overpassing borders and nations: a joint effort against nationalism” by the group The Ajde Project Open assemply of struggle in the upper city, koule kafe square, Thessaloniki

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Book presentation in Thessaloniki

AGAINST EVERY DOMINANT NARRATION WE SEARCH FOR THE MEMORY THAT WILL SPARK TODAY’S STRUGGLES Friday 7/12 19:00 Presentation of the book “Bastard Memory” by the group Bastards with Memory – Thessaloniki 1912 – 2012: 100 years of greece, patriarchy, capitalism are enough + event with balcan cuisine Saturday 8/12 19:00 Presentation of the book “Overpassing …

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1.1 The revolutions: “National liberating” or “Bourgeois”?

The emancipation by the ottoman power started in the districts. Two uprisings took place in the first decades of the 19th century that worth to be called revolutions: the one of the Serbians in the province of Belgrade in 1804 and the Greek one in Peloponnesus and the islands in 1821. Both districts were communicating …

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1.2 Nationalism and the Nation-state

 “Nations” and national identities are not self-existent or eternal entities, but on the contrary they constitute phenomena which evolve historically, which emerged within specific historical contexts. They are subjected, through time, to processes of continuity and discontinuity since; they evolve in consecutive episodes of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction. Nationalisms often used preexisting characteristics (such as …

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1.3 The Macedonian Question

Having a central place in the Balkans, Macedonia, with its three vilayets of Selanic, Monastir (Bitola) and Uskup (ie Skopje, which was named in 1877 as vilayet of Kosovo) was at the center of conflicting nationalisms. Macedonia was a region-boundary, a place where they met and lived together, in peace mostly, many distinct linguistic and …

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2.1 Ancient, pre-Roman Macedonia, a name of a kingdom and a caste

The first appearance of the name Macedonia in ancient historical sources goes back to the first half of the 5th century BC and the writings of Herodotus28. By this time, Macedonia was an established kingdom and an important factor in regional politics. Though Herodotus makes only brief mentions and doesn’t say anything about the territorial …

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