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Overpassing borders and nations: a joint effort against nationalism

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Let’s face the madness of nationalism!

Nationalism, at the service of…? The historical disciplines at the forefront of the nationalist ideology. Demystifying the national symbols: what do the Sun of Vergina, Alexander the Great and the Greek feta-cheese have in common? The price that we all pay for the causes of the nationalist ideology. A presentation of the book: “Overcoming the …

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Βοοkpresentation about nationalism in the Balkans in Kerkira

Saturday 18/5, 20:30 At the Occupation Elaia Free Social Space in Kerkira Dairpfleld & Afiown Theodorwn street, Garitsa

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Book presentation – Discussion

THE AJDE PROJECT Overpassing borders and nations: A joint venture against nationalism Saturday 16/2, 19:30 Migrant’s social center Ermou 23, Thessaloniki

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February in the Selforganized Social Center in Ioannina

Friday 8/2, 20:00 Book presentation “Overpassing borders and nations: a joint effort against nationalism” by the group The Ajde Project – The event will take place in Antiviosi squat as an act of solidarity to the occupations.

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