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Our book is ready

This book has been published into 1000 copies and is distributed with no charge. For donations or any other information please contact us at ajdeATespivDOTnet replacing “[at]” with “@” and “[dot]” with “.” Its total or partial reproduction for the purposes of the social competitive movement is more than welcomed and desired but any effort …

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The AJDE Project – Проектот „Ајде“ – Το Σχέδιο «Άιντε» (1)

  We are an initiative of comrades who live in Skopje and Thessaloniki. We are bound by personal and political relationships.Ова е иницијатива на другари кои живеат во Скопје и Солун. Не спојуваат лични и политички односи.Είμαστε μία πρωτοβουλία συντρόφων που κατοικούμε στα Σκόπια και στην Θεσσαλονίκη. Μας ενώνουν προσωπικές και πολιτικές σχέσεις.

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The AJDE Project – Проектот „Ајде“ – Το Σχέδιο «Άιντε» (2)

The beginning point of our activation is our will to oppose the rhetoric that is being reproduced by the nationalistic euphoria connected with the 100 years anniversary since the “liberation” of Thessaloniki in Greece and the 100 years since the signing of the Bucharest Treaty in the Republic of Macedonian.Почетната точка за нашето активирање беше …

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The AJDE Project – Проектот „Ајде“ – Το Σχέδιο «Άιντε» (3)

  We want to achieve this aim by communicating a point of view that springs from our everyday experiences in the countries we live in and from our participation in the field of social antagonism.Сакаме да ја постигнеме оваа цел споделувајќи гледиште кое извира од нашите секојдневни искуства во земјите во кои живееме и од нашето …

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The AJDE Project – Проектот „Ајде“ – Το Σχέδιο «Άιντε» (4)

Recently we set out, to the best of our abilities, a discussion concerning the political reading of history and deepening of theoretical issues such as the meaning of “nations”, the usage of national symbols and the role of nation-states in the framework of today’s capitalist crisis.Неодамна започнавме, најдобро што можевме, дискусија која се однесува на …

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The AJDE Project – Проектот „Ајде“ – Το Σχέδιο «Άιντε» (5)

We chose the word “ajde” because it represents a common word in the Balkans. For us “Ajde” means «to incite»: let’s promote antinationalism and class struggle heightening. Here, there and everywhere. For a world without borders, authority and exploitation.Го одбравме зборот „ајде“ бидејќи е заеднички збор на Балканот. За нас „Ајде“ значи „да поттикнеме“: ајде …

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