We are an initiative of comrades who live in Skopje and Thessaloniki. We are bound by personal and political relationships.
Ова е иницијатива на другари кои живеат во Скопје и Солун. Не спојуваат лични и политички односи.
Είμαστε μία πρωτοβουλία συντρόφων που κατοικούμε στα Σκόπια και στην Θεσσαλονίκη. Μας ενώνουν προσωπικές και πολιτικές σχέσεις.
Comments policy
The aim of this website is to comprise a space for fertile discourse around the concepts of nation and nationalism. It is important for everyone wishing to participate in the dialogue to express their opinion self-possessedly following the thematic categories that were formed. Therefore, all comments that don’t fit in the categories or are of abusive content do not correspond to the aims of this website. Due to the international character of the project, please include an english translation of your comments, if it is possible. You can send articles in the form of comments using the following form.